Red Bull DANCING Machine


Due to the failure to reach an agreement with one of its partners, Red Bull found itself with unused multifragrance vending machines.
He then asked us for a creative idea to turn them into one of Red Bull's properties.
Thegoal was to conduct sampling in exchange for data collection.
We then identified a property, Red Bull BC ONE, the end of the break dance show. The idea was to turn the vending machine into a "dancing machine."
We invited the previous year's champion to our offices and, once a photo set was set up, we recorded some of his tricks, from the simplest to the most complex, by having him wear markers along his arms and on his body so that we could then



We then identified a property, Red Bull BC ONE, the ultimate of break dancing.
The idea was to turn the vending machine into a "dancing machine."

We invited the reigning champion to our offices and, once we had set up a photo shoot, recorded some of his tricks, from the simplest to the most complex, by having him wear markers along his arms and on his body so that we could then interpret movements with those of the user.



Integration with a vending machine was not easy. Fortunately, we found the factory willing to provide us with the technical circuit diagrams on which to begin testing.
Once we had tested the pulse for dispensing the correct can, we had the road downhill to create the engagement software.
We made a molded metal body into which to insert:

- 1 40" capacitive touchscreen

- 1 lidar camera capable of scanning the user in real time

- 1 10" LCD screen for alerts


Dancing machines made


He would leave the data


Cans dispensed